Advanced Fabric Finishing Capabilities

Apollo Finishing employs proven methods to deliver a wide variety of fabric finishing options. Apollo Finishing employs a number of modern finishing methods to enhance the texture, weight, feel, and functionality of fabrics. As with all Apollo Finishing processes, each finishing technique is designed to maximize quality, flexibility, and efficiency thereby decreasing lead times, product variability, and off quality – all aimed at fostering greater customer input, collaboration, innovation, and satisfaction.

Finishing Options

Apollo Finishing operates state-of-the art wet process finishing equipment to add a variety of fabric finishes to enhance fabric functionality, feel, and performance.  Some of our many finishing capabilities include:

Woven and non-woven fabric finishing capabilities

A wide variety of specialty finishes including:

  • Insect repellent
  • Antimicrobial
  • Wrinkle-Free
  • Moisture management
  • Specialty
  • Abrasion resistant

Advanced shrinkage control

Reach out Today

Contact us to find out how we can provide you with the perfect finished textile product.